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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Communication pt.1

Scenario: You call for your child to talk to their dad. He doesn't answer. You leave a message and send him a text to please call you back because your child back because they want to talk to him. A couple of days go by and you call again and he still won't answer or return of your messages but you find out he's been on Facebook or online every other day from his mobile phone.

What you want to do: Get on his Facebook wall and write that he is a trifling son of a b*tch and you know that he sees you calling him so that y'all child can talk to him and that he isn't shit and you wish he would call you talking about his phone been broke or he been busy because he had enough time to get his ass online.

What you should do: Remain as calm as you can and tell your child that their dad is unavailable at the moment. (Even if that's not the case.) When you finally get in contact with their dad don't spazz out on them. just be like our child really wanted to talk to you and was disappointed that you didn't return their phone call. If he argues just say call me when you want to act like an adult or just hand your child the phone.

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